Welcome to Wild Chaparral!

We sell the finest Chaparral you can find on earth.  Our Chaparral grows naturally in the beautiful Arizona desert without any pesticides or herbicides.  It is harvested and then dried at 105° to preserve all enzymatic activity and essential vitamins and nutrients.  Even though it is dried, our unique drying process retains vitality (a living herb).  Not all companies that sell Chaparral can make this claim.  Click "Buy Wild Chaparral" above to purchase this amazing herb!

Crushed between your fingers, and raised to your nose you capture the essense of a fresh desert rain right in the palm of your hand.  This abundant silky green Sonoran bush is full of uses.  My favorite is still to reminisce the rare desert rain.

The many names of Chaparral: Larrea tridentata / Larrea divaricata / Greasewood / Creosote bush / Chaparro / Little Stinker / Goberrnadora / Hediondilla / Stinkweed

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